”Natural-Look” Swimming Pool Style
originated by Pugliese Pools in 1969.

A natural free-form style with smooth flowing curves and natural shapes using rocks, boulders and harmonious plants and landscaping along water’s edge. Often enhanced with natural looking waterfalls, rock hot tubs and abundant ground cover to create a rustic and serene hideaway.

Pugliese Pool FACT: Every Pugliese Pool that has been built since 1955 is still in use today…

Traditional / Formal Swimming Pool Style

This style is identified by clean lines and use of simple geometric shapes such as circles, rectangles, etc. Pool edge is often finished with brick or ceramic tiles to create an elegant water line. Water features such as waterfalls and hot tubs are completed with straight, modern edges rather that natural rustic edges.

During your appointment with Tom, he’ll bring an extensive showcase of pool styles to open your imagination to fresh ideas that best suit your lifestye and backyard. With his 50+ years as a top NJ pool builder and landscaper, he’ll be able to paint you a big picture of how your backyard oasis can look.

Pugliese Pools Natural Look
Pugliese Pools Traditional pool design